How To Maintain Your Silver Jewellery: Tips and Tricks
Silver jewellery can keep shining if you maintain it well. It is a wardrobe essential and also versatile that goes well with every outfit and occasion. Whether you accessorise your wardrobe with silver pieces or only have selected pieces at hand, you must have wondered once what the ideal way to maintain your silver jewellery is. Let’s discuss the best steps that you need to follow to keep your silver jewellery new.
How does tarnishing happen?
Before understanding how to prevent it, let us first understand why it happens at all. Silver, although a precious material, is malleable to make any jewellery . This is the reason they are mixed with other metals like zinc or copper. These metals come in contact with moisture and create a dark layer on the surface, which we know as "tarnishing." Precisely, when silver is exposed to sulphur compounds in the air, it gets tarnished. It can be accelerated by moisture, humidity, sweat, or exposure to certain chemicals often found in chemicals or household cleaning agents.
How to store your jewellery ?
Moving ahead, let’s understand the correct way of storing silver jewellery for women. Here are some tips:
- Anti-tarnish bags: Keep your jewellery in anti-tarnish bags that are made to absorb any kind of moisture and keep your jewellery tarnish-free. If you’re not able to find those, you can also put moisture-absorbing materials like silica or charcoal in your bags.
- Avoid storing with other materials: You must keep silver jewellery separately and do not mix it with any other metal to avoid scratches.
How to take care while wearing it?
We have talked about how to keep them properly, but what are ways to protect them while you’re wearing them? Let’s understand:
- Avoid moisture exposure: silver tends to tarnish faster, especially in salt or chlorinated water. Ensure to remove all your jewellery when washing hands, taking a shower, or swimming.
- Save the last step for jewellery : when getting ready, wear your jewellery after applying moisturiser or perfume. They sometimes contain chemicals that may harm your jewellery .
How do we clean it?
Regular cleaning is important to keep the jewellery new. It is not necessary to have professional products at hand; rather, you can make use of products at home to clean your jewellery . Here are a few tips:
- Silver dip: It is a great way to remove tarnish gently from your jewellery. You need to immerse the jewellery in the dip for 2-3 minutes and then pat it dry. For more effective results, always read the instructions given for the silver dip.
- Silver polish: This method is ideal for severely tarnished jewellery. You must apply the polish to your silver jewellery then rub it to clean the surface. Further, you need to rinse all the residue and pat the jewellery dry.
- Silver polishing cloth: For a quick solution, you can also use polishing cloths for silver. These contain non-tarnishing liquids that will help in instantly polishing your jewellery . These are quick and easy fixes if you do not have much time. You get these clothes online or ask your jeweller to provide them.
What if you want to go for professional help?
If you are an owner of silver jewellery for women with intricate designs or any precious gemstones, you can take the help of professionals. Jewellers have access to specialised tools and chemicals to clean your jewellery better and make it look new. In another case, if you have antique pieces, you can get professional help. Consider visiting the professional once or twice a year.
Maintaining your silver jewellery shouldn’t be a hectic task. With regular cleaning, some preventive measures, and storing them properly, you can reduce the tarnishing rate significantly. Whether you are cherishing an old heirloom or planning to buy silver Jewellery, these are the steps you must follow to keep them new.